There's more behind Flashing !

Several ertec programming alogrithms provide an opportunity to monitor and to journalize specific parameters during the flashing process.
In NAND flash algos this affects the quantity and numbers of bad blocks and the quantity of occurred bit flips. Algo-dependent ECC correction data will be calculated online - previously or within the process.
Today everybody uses products with NAND-Flash-memory-chips inside. Just think about usb sticks, tablet pcs, MP3 player or CF- and SD-memory cards for route guidance systems, digital cameras, camcorders, mobile phones...
Compared to NOR-Flashes, the page- and block-orientated working NAND-cells have much more bit density. Considering this item, they can be produced in a particuarly efficient and cost-effective way – and are less expensive than NOR-Types.
Comfortable writing / reading speed may help to handle huge data volume. On the other hand: to use und to control these NAND-Cells holds an extensive software investment. Because of proceeding miniaturisation, NAND-Flashsites collect less and less electrons. The fewer electrons are present, the greater the probability that bit errors occur. In NAND-Flash-Technology damaged blocks and bitflips are characteristic of both SLC- and MLC-memory chips. That is countered by software-controlled tasks.
Diverse Bad-Block-Management-Systems may compensate manufacturer's technical faults of NAND-Flashes, ECC-data debugs occured bit errors. During the Flashing process, when bits and bytes are stored, these NAND-Flash-peculiarities have to be considered.
Error corrective action is to be fully controlled to cope with increasing quality demands.
Ertec GmbH serves customers with flexibility at the highest stage.
Based on default error-correction-algorithms the ECC-data will be calculated automatically in the pre-processing or within the flashing process - and will be stored according to determined spare-areas.
Even special custumer-related information can be kept here e.g. the quantity of realised delete operations of each single device. In this way, the flashing process gets more and more transparent.
These device-related quantity of „Bad-Blocks“ also will just be journalised as the quantity of orrured bitflips per memory area. These information and data for software-related debugging will be stored ISO-compliant and are available for statistical analysis. Thereby the customer is able to respond to irregularities and other technical issues of those batches target-oriented and promptly.
Together with ertec the customer defines all possibilities of device-specific controlling of quality during the programming process. These requirements will be implemented in programming algorithms.
© ertec GmbH, 91058 Erlangen/Germany
Author: Dipl.-Ing. Peter Nickel ((Managing Director - Technical Operations))