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Flashing of MB9A-FUJITSU Cortex M3 Microcontrollers

After transfer of the area MCU from FUJITSU to Spansion the microcontroller support center still remained. Due to the good cooperation with the former FUJITSU engineers an efficient support is further expected in the future. This was already apparent in the first implementation of a flash algorithm to our off-line programming system PGS67 after the transfer.

In less than three weeks, a programming module for the 32-bit Cortex M3 microcontrollers of the former FM3 family of FUJITSU has been developed and the flash algorithm was implemented: the first supported derivative is the MB9AF344NPMC in an LQFP100 package.

The PGS67 standard module P67734 has four parallel working LQFP100-programming sockets, which guarantee a high programming throughput. At the manual workstation and the programming system BEAVER the module can thereby be used as single part as well as multiple in parallel. Thus the necessary flash throughput can be covered by the number of used modules.

The support of the other package types of this MCU family and onBOARD programming solutions are planned.

© ertec GmbH, 91058 Erlangen/Germany
Author: Dipl.-Ing. Peter Nickel ((Managing Director - Technical Operations))