PGS85: New Inline-Flasher for 19"-Racks

Onboard Programming resp. Inline Flashing of memory devices and microcontrollers is agreed to present the
most efficient programming method of electronic boards in the assembly line. By means of the new Onboard
Programming System PGS85, ertec provides to the customer a system driven by the network, offering the
usage of implementing a system-enabled process coupling, which can be realized via DLL-API invocations.
A gapless traceability is guaranteed through protocolling functions on various levels, which meets the
most demanding quality standards of today´s electronic production facilities. Special requirements for
programming- resp. flashing solutions, as there are galvanic separatability in the ICT, free cascadability,
straight modularity, voltage monitoring, voltage-monitored discharging as well as fitting into short cycle
times – all those features are fulfilled without a compromise. The PGS85 can be considered as the space-saving
and comfortable 19”-version of the known PGS80.
This new entry to the range of ertec-Onboard Programming Systems serves
certain industrial applications where
only very little space is available for the flashers. One can
utilize up to ten units PGS85, accommodated in
just one 19“-rack. Moreover, several racks can be stacked enabling
the user to run an even bigger number of
PGS85 simultaneously via network. Thus, the IC-specific programming
algorithms of the boards to be programmed
can be flashed by either one, or, a number of PGS85 units in
parallel mode - in exactly the same time. Always with full traceability
and maintaining its premium quality.
© ertec GmbH, 91058 Erlangen/Germany
Author: Webmaster ((Webmaster))