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Retrospection: electronica 2014


This year, the world’s leading trade fair for electronic components, systems and applications commemorated its 50th anniversary. Since 1964 the electronica gives companies the possibility to present themselves to an international expert audience.

New contacts and interesting perspectives aries out of the strong presence of decision makers and buyers. Retrospective, we are highly pleased and surprised by the interest in modern and quick programming solutions in mass production, in the automotive industry combined with highest quality requirements.

On Booth 234 (Hall A4), where we held a joint presentation with our parent company HTV Halb-leiter Test und Vertriebs- GmbH, we were pleased to see a brisk demand and an increasing interest in our onBOARD programming solutions including our All-in-One solution „flashsite“. We would expect the world market for electronic components to grow.

© ertec GmbH, 91058 Erlangen/Germany
Author: Dipl.-Ing. Peter Nickel ((Managing Director - Technical Operations))