ertec - Die Bausteinprogrammierer DEKRA Certification
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Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Address:ertec GmbH Elektronik und Automatisierung
Am Pestalozziring 24
91058 Erlangen
Telefon:+49-9131-77 00-0
Telefax:+49-9131-77 00-10
Manager:Frank Grobe, Ludwig Fleckenstein
Company Base:Erlangen
Registration Court:Amtsgericht Fürth
Registration Number:HRB Fürth 1978
VAT ID:DE132494612


ertec GmbH Elektronik und Automatisierung
Am Pestalozziring 24
91058 Erlangen

The contents of this website are Copyright protected and may not be duplicated, altered, transferred to third parties or used in any manner without prior written permission of the author. All Trademarks and Copyrights mentioned in this online publication are protected by Copyright and Trademark law and are the property of the registered owner.

Important note for all links:

In its judgment of 12 May 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Liability for links" ("Haftung für Links"), the Regional Court of Hamburg (Landgericht) ruled that if a link is included on a website, the particular website owner may also be liable for the content of the linked page. According to this ruling, such liability can be avoided only by expressly dissociating oneself from said content. We hereby expressly dissociate ourselves from any and all content of such pages that can be accessed by links on our website and do not accept any such content as our own. This applies to all links contained in this website

General Data Privacy Statement

General Information
Contact information for the data protection officer:
Telefon: +49-9131-77 00-0
Fax:        +49-9131-77 00-10

Collected Personal Data:

We collect personal data only for business purposes of ertec GmbH. Personal data is generally not disclosed to third parties without further explicit consent of the parties concerned.

Business Contacts

We collect contact information from the contact partners of our customers, potential customers and suppliers which includes full name, phone number and e-mail address.

Data Usage and Collection Purpose

Business Contacts

As customer, potential customer or supplier of ertec GmbH, you provide us contact information of our business contacts at your company. This information is saved and processed as a customer or supplier dataset inside our database. This information is used solely for order and offer processing and never disclosed to third parties. Furthermore, we do not process it for statistical purposes.

Data Retention

We only retain personal information as long as strictly necessary for business purposes or as required by law. 

Website Visits

All connection and user data will be used and processed in an anonymized form only.

The take-back and disposal of old electronic devices

Electronic devices marked with the symbol of a crossed-out dustbin must not be disposed of with the household waste. The take-back and disposal of electronic devices in the EU is regulated by the WEEE Directive. In accordance with the directive, we take back old devices and accessories for proper disposal. We take over the recycling and disposal free of charge in accordance with the legal requirements.

If the old device to be disposed of contains company or personal sensitive data, you are responsible for data deleting, as far as technically possible.

The transport costs are paid by the sender.

The old devices marked "for disposal" should be send to:

ertec GmbH Elektronik und Automatisierung
Am Pestalozziring 24
91058 Erlangen

For ecological reasons, instead of returning an old device over longer distances, you can make fast and environmentally friendly disposal at a local recycling depot. You can obtain the address from the city or local government.